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Healthcare Human Factors

Patient Safety

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Healthcare Human Factors  

Healthcare organisations around the world are facing increasing challenges when it comes to patient safety. Despite modern equipment and excellent training, elevated levels of patient safety failures still occur, with unintentional harm affecting up to 10% of hospital admissions and over 100,000 people in the US alone dying each year as a result of medical errors. Our Human Factors training in healthcare courses are designed to address these issues by enhancing clinical performance through an understanding of the effects of teamwork, equipment, workspace, culture, and organisation on human behaviour in clinical settings. Our comprehensive training programme helps participants develop cohesive environments, build cultures where all personnel feel empowered to speak up if they suspect a problem, and equip them with non-technical skills that complement technical competency. By participating in our Human Factors training programmes, healthcare staff will gain a thorough understanding of the human causes of error and develop the ability to take a proactive approach to the avoidance, trapping, and mitigating of errors. Our programme emphasizes the role of fatigue, perceptual errors, and the impact of management styles and organisational cultures. Participants will learn to cross-check each other's actions, offer assistance when needed, and address errors in a non-judgmental fashion. Additionally, they will be equipped with a set of non-technical skills that include teamwork, situation awareness, decision making, communication, and workload management.

Our programmes have helped more than 100 NHS Trusts and other international healthcare organisations enhance their safety culture, improve teamwork, communication, and design of healthcare systems.

We offer courses in a range of formats to meet the individual needs of healthcare organisations, including online self-paced e-learning foundation courses, open training courses at our UK training centre, in-house bespoke courses for healthcare organisations, and instructor-led live online training via our learning management portal and web conferencing platform. Click the links below for more details on course programmes or conatct us today to find out more about bespoke training within your organisation.



Healthcare organisations already served

Thanks for a truly inspiring course delivered by a superb faculty of experts in Human Factors. This was probably the most professionally run course I have attended in my 36 years in the health service. Although the course was hard work, I thoroughly enjoyed it and feel much better prepared to deliver Human Factors training within my trust.

A great day, very informative, invaluable to the job I do and should be mandatory for all healthcare team members.

I am optimistic that this training will have profound benefits for our culture. Watch this space.

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